6th October 2019
Law | Europe | Sarah Zingel

Unlawful Prorogation: The Supreme Court v PM Boris Johnson

In this article, our new author Sarah Zingel casts an eye on the British Supreme Court's judgement on PM Johnson's failed attempt to suspend Parliament by proroguing it.

12th November 2017
Law | Europe | Tim Hagemann

Independència or Unidad? The Catalonia Crisis and the right to self determination

Considering the recently escalated fight for Catalonian independence, Tim Hagemann explores the legal preconditions for seceding under international law and its applicability to the Catalonia crisis.

7th October 2017
Law | Europe | Tim Hagemann

The emails of Monsieur Macron: An international law perspective on cyber interference of foreign elections

Against the background of the latest email leaks of Emmanuel Macron shortly before the second round of the French presidential election, Tim A. Hagemann has a closer look on the classification and problems of these interferences with the democratic election process under international law.